Discovering the Deep Things

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, June 16th, 2012.

The “deep things of God” (1 Cor 2:10) are revealed in the scripture by the Spirit. There is not a mystical secret technique or crystal ball to unveil hidden wisdom from another spiritual dimension.

The hidden wisdom, which is the mystery of Christ (1 Cor 2:6-8), has been written down for us in words in the Bible.

When you read the Bible you are reading the words the Holy Ghost moved Paul to write (2 Pet 1:20). They are God’s words (1 Thess 2:13). They are the only words from God you will receive this side of eternity.

Sometimes people think God gives certain people secret knowledge that no one else can access. This is not true. All of God’s revelations can be learned by anyone with a Bible who believes it and studies it.

The secret ingredient is not special giftings, relaxation techniques, or contemplative prayers. It is study, reading, repetition, and comparing scripture with scripture. Some people are better students than others, but that doesn’t change what we all study: a book.

It is only through the hard work of Bible study, and that rightly divided, that the deep things of God are known.

Don’t believe any fool who tells you that learning the deep things of God does not require the effort of studying the Bible.

For His glory,

Justin “it takes work” Johnson

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