Know Sin is Present

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, February 16th, 2013.

One of the greatest mistakes a Christian can make under God’s grace is to think that their sin nature is gone.

This could not be further from the truth. Sin dwells in you and is present with you every day of your saved life giving you the potential to sin.

This body of sin will not be removed until we receive the redemption of our bodies (Rom 8:23).

Christ paid for your sins. He destroyed the power of sin, but sin is still present in you.

Those who try to rid themselves of it will only be faced with frustration, despair, and condemnation.

Those who ignore it will fall into the traps of sinful flesh.

Apply God’s grace to your old man of sin. Though he is present in you, look him in the eye and reckon him dead by the death of Christ, and then reckon your life in Christ to operate by his resurrection.

God’s grace was needed the moment you believed the gospel, and it will be needed every day of your life in Christ. Trust God’s grace, and not your ability to walk without sin.

Reckon yourself to be dead to sin, and alive in Christ by God’s grace and you will avoid the pitalls of sin’s condemnation.

For His glory,

Justin Curtis Johnson

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