The Benefits of Testimonies

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, April 4th, 2015.

For the past ten months I’ve asked one person to stand in front of our small church in Swayzee and give their testimony of salvation.

What’s most important in giving a testimony is how Christ saved you, how you’ve grown in spiritual understanding, and how being a servant of Christ has affected your life. Testify Christ, not yourself.

Least important are colorful stories and confessions of a sordid past filled with wrong choices or lost time stuck in religious systems.

Testimonies are a great way for the one giving their testimony to think about how the gospel of Christ and God’s word has worked in their own lives.

Hearing testimonies encourages others who already know the gospel. I never get tired of hearing others testify of Christ saving them and working in their lives.

Giving testimonies of salvation will contain some repetition about the gospel, and this is good for those who do not know the gospel clearly. (This is called evangelism.)

Testimonies are a great place to start in your Bible study group. If you are not ready to teach, you can practice listening. Have everyone give a testimony.

If they are scared of public speaking you can help them by asking questions, and listening to their answers. Here are the questions I use.

Even if you are anxious to start talking about the mystery of Christ, it is best to learn if folks are saved first. Ask for testimonies and listen!

You can learn a lot about people by listening to their testimony of salvation. Sometimes you might learn that they still don’t know the gospel.

What is your testimony? What do you testify?

For His glory,

Justin “testify” Johnson

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This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.