Thank You For Your Comments

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, May 21st, 2016.

Every week I receive encouraging comments from people like you. Here is just a sample of recent comments.

“Thanks for the tracts, and I look forward to doing more with your assembly in spreading the Mystery message of the Jesus Christ.”

“Excellent readings and resources!”

“We love every message you give listening more than once. We feel so blessed to have found your church.”

“Thank you for your faithfulness to the doctrine. I look forward to seeing you all again…”

“Thank you …this was so timely for me,and it helped me to realize the difference between a people pleaser and a person that has a desire to please God!”

“Keep up your great work THANK You again”

“Your website has been a blessing to me and our church… I have recommended it to multiple people who have questions regarding Pauline dispensationalism and I reference it frequently.”

It is always a pleasure to hear from you: your questions, your testimony, your growth in the Bible rightly divided, and your use of our resources, book, charts, and tracts in personal evangelism.

I thank God for you.

For His glory,

Justin Curtis Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.