1 Corinthians 8-10 and Romans 14 teach how to act charitably towards those who are weak.
The weak in the passage are not those who openly and willingly sin. These are not weak brethren, these are carnal and fleshly brethren. Carnality needs a swift rebuke.
Weak brethren are those who desire to do right, but are weak in doctrine. These brethren need patience and teaching.
You can know all about the mystery, but if your life is reprehensible and sinful then you need the swift rebuke of 1 Corinthians 5 and 6.
If you know all mysteries and are offending the weaker ones who do not yet know what you know, then you are being uncharitable and need a different sort of rebuke.
Either way, rebuke often lacking in the church. As a result we have uncharitable and sinful people justifying their own actions with Pauline doctrines of grace. To gain the benefits of a good rebuke read 1 Corinthians and let the word of God find the right shoe for you. (2 Tim 3:16).
Follow our Tuesday night studies in 1 Corinthians‘ Rebuke on our verse by verse page.
For God’s glory,
Justin Johnson