Paul’s Curriculum

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, February 18th, 2012.

It is true that in Paul’s epistles alone we find the doctrine, walk, destiny, and purpose of the church for this dispensation.

Paul’s epistles reveal a specific curriculum to produce unashamed workmen fit for God’s service. Here are brief summaries of the contents of his epistles.

-Romans: Laying a doctrinal foundation; installing right doctrine
-Corinthians: Producing good works under grace; moving people to act
-Galatians: Walking in the Spirit, not under law
-Ephesians: The nature and mission of the church
-Philippians: The mind of Christ – instruction in maturity
-Colossians: Operating complete in Christ
-Thessalonians: Comfort and hope waiting for Christ
-1Timothy/Titus: Teaching and leadership instructions
-Philemon: Paul’s example of charity
-2Timothy: Final words

You can see the natural doctrinal progression as you read through Paul’s epistles. Everyone fits somewhere in the Pauline curriculum. Not very many finish the course.

Identify where you are and start your study there. Don’t quit and you will be able to teach others also (2 Tim 2:2).

For His glory,

Justin Curtis Johnson

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