The Last Instruction of the Lord

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, September 21st, 2024.

What were the last instructions of the Lord?

Was it the instructions he gave with that meal the night he was betrayed (John 13-17)?

No, since he would later raise from the dead and speak with his disciples at length before his ascension.

Was it the 40 days of appearances and teaching after his resurrection that culminated in the so-called “Great Commissions” (Acts 1:2-3)?

No again, since he would appear after his ascension to Paul in many visions and revelations (2 Cor 12:1).

In describing the gospel, Paul says after Christ died for our sins and rose again the third day “that he was seen” both before and after his ascension (1 Cor 15:5).

He was seen of the all the apostles, “and last of all he was seen of me [Paul] also” (1 Cor 15:8).

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John do not describe the end of Jesus, but only the beginning (Acts 1:1). The “Great Commissions” given before his ascension were not the last instructions from the Lord in the Bible.

The Lord appeared to Ananias in a vision instructing him that Paul was a chosen apostle to the world (Acts 9:10-16).

After that ordination, he reappeared many times to the apostle Paul revealing hidden wisdom and instructions (Acts 26:16).

If you are looking for the last instructions from the Lord, you will need to look to the writings of that apostle who saw him last of all.

To him the Lord revealed the mystery of Christ, the dispensation of God’s grace, truth about ages to come, and the instructions for the church which is called His Body (Eph 3:1-12).

When we study Paul’s writings, we are not simply studying the writings of a zealous believer, prolific writer, or a great missionary, but the last instructions revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

For your edification,

Justin Curtis Johnson

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