Every year at least one person informs me that celebrating Christmas is a great way to tell people about Jesus.
Is it true? Is Christmas the most wonderful time of the year because it is a good evangelism opportunity?
I am not seeing it.
Literally. I do not see more evangelism because of Christmas (unless they are evangelizing the Christmas spirit instead of the Holy Spirit and the creche instead of the cross). Door-to-door caroling only appears like evangelism (only 16% still carol).
To me, doing Christmas for the sake of evangelism sounds too much like taking the youth group to Disney World for a “ministry trip”, or using the church’s big screen for a Super Bowl “outreach event”.
Biblical evangelism requires a clear focus on the cross of Christ saving us from sin. This easily gets lost in the toil and trappings of the tradition (proven by the annual sermons required to keep “Christ in Christmas”).
If you are looking to evangelize Christmas, then that job is about done. 90% of our culture celebrates Christmas (only 70% claim to be Christian, and only 35% go to church). No one asks why you celebrate. Everyone knows already (family, children, figgy pudding). More people ask, “Why not?” when you don’t.
The other day when the “Why not?” was asked to my wife, she responded with, “the Bible does not tell us to,” which was then followed by a time of Biblical reflection and thought.
A Jewish woman who asked “Why not?” intently listened to the gospel and the truth about Christ all because she found a Christian who also knew the Christmas hullabaloo was not right.
I can testify of many conversations enlightening others to the true meaning of Christianity when they learn it is not just “people who celebrate Christmas.” This sort of correction is necessary for young people and cultural Christians for whom Christmas can be a stumbling block to knowing Christ and him crucified.
I’ve truly seen more evangelism opportunities from not keeping Christmas than before when I tried to squeeze evangelism into the season’s greetings.
Perhaps you will, too!
May your evangelism be clear and right.
Justin “bringer of good tidings to you” Johnson