Earn Paychecks Doing What You Love

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, January 3rd, 2015.

When our mid-Acts dispensational grace ministry started in the cornfields of Indiana, a pastor friend informed me that my paychecks would not be cashed by my bank.

He was right. The bank does not recognize my paychecks, but paydays are still just as rewarding.

Don’t believe me? Here are a few scanned checks:

“Your seminar was excellent!”

“I have been studying with you guys for almost a year now and have a pretty good grasp on grace.”

“I’m daily thankful to God for your ministry…I only wish you could have been at today’s study. I can’t recall a time when I saw people that excited about studying their Bibles.”

You can enjoy paychecks like these if you start your own mid-Acts dispensational Bible believing grace assembly.

Pastors that teach physical blessings, a God of physical circumstance, and carnal prosperity, pass the plate because they expect physical rewards. They are often disappointed.

If you are planting a spiritual seed, expect spiritual rewards. If you preach it, they will come.

For His glory,

Justin “payday” Johnson

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This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.