Father Abraham

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, December 28th, 2024.

There is a reason that Abraham is called the father of all them that believe (Rom 4:11).

God gave more promises to Abraham than perhaps any single person in the Bible. A major portion of Genesis is used to record these many promises and covenants.

The proper response when God gives you a promise is to believe. Abraham believed God:

“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.” – Romans 4:20-21

God promised Abraham a land, a mighty nation, a seed, a great name, to be a blessing to the world, and more. Even his name was changed according to a promise.

But the greatest promise ever given to Abraham was when God counted his faith for righteousness (Gen 15:6).

This promise made the others certain for it required God to fulfill them not Abraham. This promise would go on to bless countless others who cannot perform, including you and me, who trust God’s work for us by the cross.

If you are justified by faith without works, you are not the first. You are merely walking “in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham” (Rom 4:12; Gal 3:7).

Of course, there is an important difference between what Abraham believed and what we believe. Abraham’s faith was in the many promises of nations and sons that God gave him.

Your faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ and his finished work. We do not partake of all of Abraham’s promises, but thank God the promise of righteousness by faith has been granted to us also.

Upon your belief in the gospel of Christ, righteousness is imputed to you just like it was imputed to Abraham. This makes you a child of this promise of righteousness by faith. And that makes Abraham the father of all them that believe.

For your edification,

Justin “child of promise” Johnson

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