Justin Johnson
It is time for the storehouse tithing doctrine to be placed into the landfill of church history. Malachi 3:9-10 is speaking about the covenant relationship between Israel and God not the church of today. More people are being delivered from the financial fraud and spiritual tyranny of tithing teachers and learning about heart purposed generosity.
Yet, as a last resort, tithers like to mention Melchizedek as if this King of Salem could justify their required tithe teaching.
Does Abraham’s tithe to Melchizedek require the church to pay tithes to our local pastor?
No. Here are a few of my reasons. Be fully persuaded in your own mind.
- Abraham tithed in response to a unique blessing by Melchizedek. Gen 14:18-19 states that the king brought bread and wine and blessed Abram. You did not receive the blessing from Melchizedek, nor were your “enemies delivered into thy hand.”
- Abram tithed of all the spoils (Heb 7:4). Abram did not tithe of his monthly or yearly paycheck. He tithed of all that he had captured from the enemies.
- It was a one time tithe. Abram never paid another tithe to Melchizedek. It was only that one time. I doubt your tithe-hungry friends would agree that you should only pay the tithe once.
- The story is never used to teach tithing. The Bible never begins to explain the Melchizedek tithe as a pattern to be followed by anyone.
- Melchizedek’s tithe was not a Jewish law tithe. Tithing was not new with Israel. Abram’s tithe was not subject to the same requirements that God directly gave to Israel. Even if we were to tithe as Abram, the rules would be different from the law tithes.
- Melchizedek was a king. As a member of the body of Christ, the Lord is our head. The Lord’s position as king is assumed at the fulfillment of the prophetic purpose. The King of Kings is language not used in describing the mystery purpose.
- Melchizedek was a priest. There are no priests in the body of Christ. 1 Tim 2:5 says that Christ is the one mediator. If there are no priests then to whom would you pay a tithe?
- Christ is the priest of Israel not of a carnal commandment. Christ’s priesthood was like Melchizedek in that it is without end, and not by the carnal commandment. His similitude was not to collect tithes of carnal things (Heb 7:16).
- Your pastor is not of the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 7 explains that Jesus rose as a priest of the new covenant “after the similitude of Melchizedec” not being a Levite and not having an end or beginning. I hope your local pastor does not claim the same similitude.
- The tithe from Abram proved a greater priesthood than the Levitical. So then, why would pastors claim to be spiritualized priests like the Levites over Israel?
- The law was insufficient. This includes the continual required law tithe which was only needed because the priests’ work was never done. The Melchizedek priesthood proves that the law with its Levitical priesthood and other requirements was insufficient. It could not make perfect (Heb 7:12).
- Christ’s priestly tabernacle is not earthly and built with hands (Heb 9:11). It may be a sure guarantee that the pastors who teach tithing are doing so to pay for an earthly hand-built building.
- Christ’s priestly function was performed for the Hebrews. The book about Christ’s priesthood is addressed to the remnant Hebrews who were participants in the new covenant. We are not Hebrews under the covenants.
- Christ is not collecting tithes. His one-time priestly work for the Hebrews is finished (Heb 7:27, Heb 9:28).Those who pretend to collect for him are doing so without authority.
- The new covenant was for Israel and Judah (Heb 8:10). It replaced the old to the same people. Gentiles were and are strangers from Israel’s covenants of promise.
- You are the body of Christ. Our complete position in Christ precludes us from an obligated tithe to another member of the body. We are all members of each other. Not one of us is above another.
Using Abram’s tithe to Melchizedek as an example of our obligation to tithe to our local pastor requires absurd spiritualization.
God’s grace teaches us to give generously as we purpose in our hearts to those things that will help accomplish God’s will and to those in need. Who receives our gifts and how much we give is a matter of our own purpose, spiritual maturity, and discernment (2 Cor 9:6-10).
In no way does Abram tithing to Melchizedek place us under the modern day invention of required tithing.
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Published: February 5, 2011
Last Modified: October 22, 2016
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