“Do you practice communion at your church?”
We certainly try!
The first thought you have about churches practicing communion (i.e., Lord’s Table, Lord’s Supper) may look like something straight out of the Roman Catholicism, this is not what we see the Bible teaching about the mystery of Christ.
Communion is not about the flavor of what we drink, but the finished work of Christ. We have all been redeemed through the blood of Christ who died for us while we were yet sinners.
Communion is not about what we put into our mouth, but about what position we have together in Christ. We are all members one of another in one Body.
When we come together in the Body of Christ, we are instructed to walk in service to one another in the same mind and the same love.
This takes practice.
As partakers of the blood and Body together (in our beliefs, not in our bellies) we preach communion with Christ and endeavor to practice it by His grace.
Tomorrow, it will be a joy for our church to come together again. We will preach about communion, we will sing, we will talk, we will eat.
My prayer is that we also practice what we preach in everything we do (Phi 2:1-4).
For your edification,
Justin “one member” Johnson