What You Don’t Teach Matters

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, September 30th, 2023.

Sometimes an unfamiliar church is brought to my attention that teaches this or that doctrine right. It is exciting when I hear a ministry teaching right doctrine… then, I learn what else they teach.

Teaching right doctrine is essential for the ministry of the church. Teaching wrong doctrine is ministry failure.

However, just as important as teaching right doctrine is the admonition Paul gives Timothy to “teach no other doctrine” (1 Tim 1:3).

Teaching right doctrine and teaching no other doctrine are different.

The first consists of right doctrine, the second resists wrong doctrine.

No matter if a ministry gets this or that doctrine right, if they fail to “teach no other doctrine”, then wrong doctrine is allowed to be taught alongside what is right.

This is also a ministry failure since it fails to minister the truth with clarity.

This can be more dangerous than merely getting the doctrine wrong, since the right doctrine attracts the undiscerning who are poisoned by swallowing “other doctrine”.

Teaching right doctrine is required for ministry understanding.
Teaching no other doctrine is required for ministry purity.
The ministry of the church needs both.

Our upcoming seminar, Ministry of the Church, October 14th and 15th, includes sessions covering essential ministry principles like these.

See the seminar session lineup and let us know you are coming through the link below. Hope to see you there!
In pursuit of purity,

Justin “to teach and not to teach” Johnson

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This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.