“I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God” – Revelation 20:4
The Bible is full of examples of people who would die for the word of God.
They killed Jesus for what he said (he said he was God).
Peter was arrested multiple times not willing to shut his mouth to speak the words of God.
Paul was frequently imprisoned and beaten for speaking the word of God. He would be killed as an evil doer for doing nothing more than preaching the word of God.
Many saints in the Bible and Bible believers throughout history lived and died by the notion, “Give me the word of God or give me death.”
The world says, “pick your battles,” and the Bible is a battle worth fighting for and a hill worth dying on.
The words of God are more valuable than your own soul.
If you agree with that assessment, then you are in good company with the saints, apostles, and prophets described in the book of books.
For the word of God,
Justin “holding a copy” Johnson