Trust the Bible Over Religious Calendars

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, April 23rd, 2011.

The study of chronology is a complex science that includes
precise calculations of days, times, months, and years.

Yet, with all its precision calendars are still influenced
by religious tradition.

Yesterday was labeled “Good Friday” by the calendar on the
wall. Tradition says that it is the day Jesus was crucified.
Tomorrow is labeled Easter on your calendar. Tradition says
that it is the day Jesus resurrected.

The Bible says that Jesus was dead for three days and three
nights explaining that he was dead for 72 hours (Mat 12:40).

The 24 hour day theory affects more than creation week. To
make the Bible fit with the religious calendar this particular
Saturday would need to be more than 50 hours long! If you’ve
been asking for more than 24 hours in a day then today is
your day!

Either your Bible is right or the labels put on your calendar
by religious tradition are right. I choose the Bible over tradition
any day of the week (even so-called “holy week”).

The Bible is more trustworthy in its description of days and
times than any modern religious calendar. Thankfully, our
faith does not come from chronology and day observance.

Don’t bother with religious calendars, stick with the Bible
which says Jesus was dead for three days but now is raised
from the dead for nearly two thousand years.

Glory to God!

Justin “24 hour day” Johnson

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