The Time is Fulfilled

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, October 26th, 2024.

Though the New Covenant is yet to be fulfilled, our seminar last weekend on New Covenant Confusion is now over. That time has been fulfilled.

We have received questions about the New Covenant for years, and it was a pleasure to host an entire seminar on the subject.

There were many good questions and conversations to be had. So many, in fact, that I rarely left the auditorium in between sessions!

Feeding nearly 200 people three times over takes a lot of work (thanks to our volunteers), but it results in continued conversation and edification. There is a reason God loves hospitality in this dispensation: it is a picture of God’s grace (1 Tim 3:2).

New Covenant confusion even exists in songs churches sing about Zion, Beulah land, or peace on earth that do not align with what God is doing today. Instead, we love to rejoice in song with a full room of saints about Christ living in us, the cross of Christ, walking by faith, and assurance of salvation now!

While we are not living under the New Covenant today, we can know that God is faithful to keep his promise to Israel to restore all things in their future fulness. Until then, we walk in the riches of God’s grace dispensed to a fallen world.

It would be impossible to exhaust every aspect of Israel’s New Covenant in one weekend, but we pray these brief teachings will help to make unashamed workmen and able ministers of the word of God.

All eight sessions are recorded, uploaded, and posted for your edification on the seminar page.

We thank God for a wonderful weekend with His saints gathered around His word rightly divided!

If you could not make it this year, mark your calendar for next year’s seminar. It would be our pleasure to see you there.

In His service,

Justin Curtis Johnson

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This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.