The Next Step for the Grace Movement

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016.

Thomas Jefferson suggested that every generation needs a new revolution.

The Reformers taught that the church should always be reforming.

Both ideas were similar. The battle is not finished just because the founders have died. The fight for truth and liberty is perennial until the Lord returns.

Every current living generation must fight to maintain ground, lest it be lost. In order to take new ground we must be ready to enter the fray all over again.

Every new generation must shew themselves approved unto God. We are not approved by those gone before us, nor do we sit in subjection to them.

Grace believers need to dust off the weapons of our warfare, and prepare to redeem our time.

We are the flag bearers of our own fight, standing on our own battlefield, with a Bible in our hands, Christ as our head, and without compromise for the mystery of Christ.

The next step for the grace movement should not be backward in ecumenical retreat, silence, or reservation. This will only lead to doctrinal loss.

Our next step should be on the sure footing of the Bible without error, Christ with every deity attribute, evangelism with clarity, and the bold preaching of the mystery of Christ revealed in Paul’s epistles alone.

How do we take this step? Start, join, or support local churches with such a strong foundation. Beware of imposters.

For His glory from the front lines,

Justin “forward march” Johnson

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