The Need for Charts

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, June 1st, 2013.

The Bible was inspired over the course of 1400 years and its content spans from eternity to eternity.

It is precisely because of this great span of application and audience that great respect must be given to the distinct revelations of God.

When was it revealed? To whom is God speaking? Am I in the audience?

This is called dispensational Bible study, and its method is described in scripture as “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

A new dispensation can change what we know about God’s will and how we respond. These changes must be marked clearly.

This is why dispensational Bible teachers draw charts.

Charts help to communicate God’s revelations, to whom he gave them, toward what end, and at what time.

If keeping track of the events in the Bible gets confusing, draw a picture. Here’s mine.

For His glory,

Justin “charts” Johnson

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