To grow a plant, you need a good piece of earth. The seed is planted, then watered, and exposed to sunlight.
After some time, a green sprout comes up. New life is exciting! … and fragile.
After more water, more light, and more time, the plant grows bigger and stronger, and eventually after much faithful continuance, fruit is produced.
We can learn all this from observing nature. What we can’t learn from nature is why God created it to be that way. The Bible teaches this:
“The seed is the word of God.” – Luke 8:11
The water is the word of God: “the washing of water by the word” (Eph 5:26).
The light is the word of God: “Thy word is a lamp… and a light…” (Psa 119:105).
God made man from the earth (Gen 2:7). We were literally made from dirt.
God is teaching us the importance of the word of God for your growth in every plant you grow in your garden.
Without the word of God, we are a dry plot of earth, dead and lifeless. With God’s word, we have the seed of life, the life-giving water, and the light of life.
After enough water, light, and growth, the fruit of the Spirit can spring up from the earth.
We receive the word by faith (planted seed), drink the word (water), and expose ourselves to the word (light). Then, we patiently continue in the word (time).
When you understand how a plant grows, you can see how God wants to work in you through His word.
“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” – 1 Cor 3:6
For your fruitful harvest,
Justin “dirt-bag” Johnson