Thank You For Your Comments

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, September 23rd, 2017.

Here are just a handful of recent comments from our website.

“My wife and I watch you on Youtube. Your teaching is excellent! We have a small weekly Bible study in our home.”

“By God’s grace alone, I learned the precious truth about right division almost 2 months ago”

“About five years ago I started learning about Grace and then one year ago I was introduced to rightly dividing the word of truth…”

“I can’t find a church and love your sermons and so much confusion has disappeared.”

“I have been saved for about twenty years and following Paul for about the last two and a half.”

“Please add me to your list to receive weekly Bible studies/messages. My father receives them and he suggested that I do the same so he and I can discuss them weekly.”

“I have been reading and listening to your Bible teachings for a few months now and I have been truly blessed by them!”

“How refreshing and liberating to hear of a workman who is rightly dividing the word of truth by the grace of God.”

Thank all of you for your emails. New people are learning what it means to be Bible believing mid-Acts Pauline dispensational every week.

Your comments and testimonies of salvation and growth are our treasure. Thank you for sending them to us.

For the glory and grace of God,

Justin Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.