Telling Others the Gospel

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, September 24th, 2011.

If you are saved you know the gospel of Christ.

It is at the bottom of every email update. It is throughout
Paul’s epistles.

Christ did everything necessary to save you from sin and
death through his blood shed on the cross. There is nothing
else that needs to be done for your salvation. No covenant,
no law, no deed, no baptism, no prayer, nothing. Simply
trust this provision on your guilty behalf.

This is the topic of conversation with your friends that do
not understand the Bible rightly divided. They may have
been churched their entire life and missed the simple gospel.

Talk to them about it. Tell them how wonderful it is there is
nothing left to do for your salvation. Unsaved Christians are
the largest mission field in our country.

The only people who are offended by the gospel are unsaved
people (2 Cor 2:16, 4:3). When you’ve identified them as
ignorant of the gospel then you know it is frivolous to talk
about spiritual things such as the mystery of Christ.

Start with the gospel. Glory in the gospel. Stick with it until
you know they have eternal life.

Then talk to them about believing their Bible.

For His glory,

Justin “American missionary” Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.