Start a Blog

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, February 12th, 2011.

Having trouble maintaining your regular Bible study?
Start a blog.

Starting a personal blog will not only make your study time
more consistent it will often make it more effectual. As a
result you will grow faster in your understanding than you
have been.

A blog works on three principles:

1. Accountability begets progress. Get a few followers and
you will be responsible to them (start with your spouse or relatives).
2. Teaching is a good way to learn. A blog forces you to
say something. You must first know something to say it.
3. Repetition is the best teacher. After you read a passage you
will need to repeat it to your readers.

Don’t know where to start? Try Tumblr, Blogger, or WordPress.
They can get you started in five minutes for free.

Don’t know what to write?
Go through a book. Post a verse or two each day and say 3-4
sentences about it. Explain it to yourself; write what you don’t
understand; or write what you already know about the verse.

Don’t make it complex or flashy. Your blog will not stick out
among the millions out there. Who cares. The goal is to just do it.

Do this daily or a few times a week. It doesn’t matter if people
read it, the privacy may be a good thing. Remember, the goal
is for your personal growth. When you mature, you will be able
to teach others, or perhaps you already would have.

Send me your link. I’d love to see you grow in the truth.

For his glory,

Justin “blogs” Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.