People write to us from across the country asking if there is a church like Grace Ambassadors near them.
A few years ago, we attempted traveling to certain cities to bring a bit of Grace Ambassadors to different areas, but our trips were cut short by the 2020 lockdowns. Now, we’re giving it another go!
This May we will be hosting meetings in the following cities. If you live nearby, please consider joining us for a time of likeminded fellowship:
There will be sound teaching, time for your questions, and free study resources available at every meeting. (The meetings themselves are free to attend.)
If you ever wanted to know what it is like to be a part of a Bible believing mid-Acts Pauline dispensational assembly, you will want to attend. Dates and details can be found in the link below.
Let us know you are coming so we can save a seat for you!
For making all men see,
Justin “on the road again” Johnson