Don’t let those ignorant of Bible doctrine frame the conversation.
When you do, inevitably it will turn out like every national election: you will be forced into one of two sides neither of which represents your position accurately.
“Are you Catholic or Protestant?” Neither.
“Are you Calvinist or Arminian?” Neither. (No, I’m not pelagian)
“Do you follow Jesus or Paul?” … What? Christ sent Paul.
“Are you King James-only or do you study other books?” Your question is wrong.
The important issue is being familiar enough with the Bible to have an intelligent conversation about it, and not simply choosing a prefabricated position that makes wrong assumptions about the Bible.
Do not be pushed into a position imposed upon you by those ignorant of Bible doctrine. Believe the Bible, take that position, and do not be ashamed of that testimony (2 Tim 1:8).
For your edification,
Justin “conversationalist” Johnson