We all see a new year as an opportunity for a fresh start, a clean slate, a do-over.
We see it as honest introspection, packing away the old, and time for self improvement for a better life. “This year, it will be better.”
Without the Lord Jesus Christ, it is the same every year: “What profit hath a man?” One day it will be over.
The truth is that the new calendar year does not afford any new wisdom or power to change anything. Time is vain.
The true opportunity for a “fresh start, clean slate, and a do-over” is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. He provides the power to forgive your sins through his death (your past), the power to walk in newness of resurrection life (your future), and the wisdom to change your mind through studying the word of God rightly divided (present).
The renewing impulse that New Year’s Day gives to the world is what Jesus Christ provides to all who will believe every month, every day, every hour by his grace.
His grace will be needed each day this year as you are reminded how changing time does not change anything. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can change you, and that change begins in your soul by faith. From this point on, walk in it. We redeem the time by renewing our mind.
You do not need to wait for a countdown til tomorrow nor a new year to avail yourself of God’s gracious provision to be a new creature in Christ. You can start now!
That is the power and strength of the grace of God. Greater than just a new year is a the new life you have in Christ as a new creature. The calendar is far less significant now that all things are become new. From now on, He is our great joy and hope.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17
For Truth,
Justin “new man” Johnson