Meetings Cancelled… except in Alabama

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Sunday, March 1st, 2015.

Due to the amount of snow that was dropped on our building and country roads just last night, this morning’s meetings are cancelled.

Our Tuesday meetings are still on until further notice.

Seeing all of this snow reminds us of the saints down in Alabama who we met this past week.

It was our pleasure to travel to Alabama to help the saints in Rogersville establish Grace Bible Fellowship.

In a series of lessons over three days we spoke about the foundations and pillars of starting a properly functioning mid-Acts Pauline Bible believing assembly.

My brother Jeremey spoke first on a most important question, “Why do we need another church?” There are already 32 in the Rogersville area. There were 200 in our county when we got started.

A Bible study is different than a church. While a Bible study produces knowledge and often leads to puffed up pewsitters. Churches have the goal of producing unashamed workmen taking responsibility to see souls saved and saints edified.

You see on the back wall what Alabamans do when a buck gets in their way. Imagine how we felt when we heard they wanted to buck against Bible ignorance and southern church tradition and teach mid-Acts dispensational right division. We were thrilled!

Brother Alan Jaynes leads the meetings and is taking responsibility together with the saints in Rogersville to start the only church in northern Alabama that teaches the Bible without error, Christ with every deity attribute, and Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery.
If any of y’all are in the area, you should check it out.

For His glory,

Justin “2 Tim 2:2” Johnson

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