“Look before you leap.”
“Watch where you are going.”
“Those who fail to plan are planning to fail.”
If this is such good advice then why do so many Christians do the opposite?
“Take a blind leap of faith.”
“Let go and let God.”
“Wait on God to reveal his perfect plan.”
No wonder so many Christians are failing in their walk with the Lord.
Christians should be told to walk circumspectly, to see where they are going, not as fools.
“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise…” – Ephesians 5:15
Circumspect means to look around. When you walk circumspectly you know where you are going and know what obstacles to avoid.
If you don’t know where you are going then you need to stop and ask for directions. Seriously, stop trying to walk for God if you don’t even know where you are standing.
You could walk right off a spiritual cliff (what foolish Christians call a blind leap), or start running into people the wrong way.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!”
God’s will has been clearly revealed in the scripture rightly divided.
If you don’t know it or how it applies to your life, you need help.
You cannot walk with Christ unless you know the will of God (Eph 5:17). Get help from someone who knows where they are going.
Avoid anyone telling you to wait on God. They are blind. God is waiting on you to learn his instructions.
You cannot wait forever. There is a deadline. Redeem the time (Eph 5:16). Start here.
For His grace,
Justin “open your eyes” Johnson