Colleges work on a credit hour system. 1 hour per week of class time for 15 weeks equals 1 credit hour.
120 credit hours are required to graduate with a bachelor’s degree, which should give you useful level of knowledge in a particular field of study.
If churches operated on this system, members who attended faithfully over their life would receive three Ph.D’s and a Master’s degree in the Bible.
Even those who did not attend all the weekly church meetings would receive a few Master’s degrees.
If so many in the church have this level of expertise, then why are there so many ignorant about how to rightly divide the Bible?
Why are there so many ignorant college graduates?
I have a hunch it may be for the same reason and that 2 Tim 3:7 has something to do with it.
If there is not a good school in your area it will require you to take distance courses.
You can finish the Dispensational Bible Institute online for free in less than one semester.
Gain more “credits” with the material on the Grace Ambassadors website.
We just finished a 1 credit hour course on How to Study the Bible on Sundays.
For His glory,
Justin “life long learner” Johnson