Everyone would take a healing miracle if offered. Not many get one, if any. Why is that?
When Jesus ministered in Israel, he healed them all! When Peter ministered in Jerusalem, “they were healed every one” (Luke 6:17-19; Acts 5:15-16).
What is going on today? Why are so few people being healed? What is God doing? What does God’s word rightly divided teach about miraculous healing today in this dispensation of God’s grace?
Here are a few resources created over the years that explain the will of God regarding healing. They can help you know the power of God’s sufficient grace each day you live in tribulation, pain, and suffering (Rom 5:1-5; Rom 8:18).
Grace Excels Over Pentecostal Powers
We have a greater hope than healing. Our hope is in the Lord who dwells and works effectually in us that believe.
Don’t let the lack of a healing miracle prevent you from knowing the power and love of God toward us. Your faith can be strongest precisely when miracles are not seen when you understand what God is doing.
His abundant grace is sufficient.
For truth,
Justin Curtis Johnson