“It is much clearer now!”
“I thought I understood the mystery, but now I see …”
“Thank you for making it so simple!”
“I can’t believe there is no sugar in those cinnamon rolls.”
These are just some of the comments heard about our 2019 Ambassadors seminar: Mystery Made Clear.
It was our pleasure to host guests from coast to coast who traveled hundreds of miles to the cornfields of Swayzee to set the record straight about what it is we are to make all men see.
It was a success! We learned about the unique fellowship we have with the Lord Jesus Christ in the body; how mystery and prophecy are related; and how the mystery of God’s will is to put all things in Christ (yes, even things before Paul).
All of last week’s seminar is now online for your benefit to listen and watch.
Even so, there was so much at the seminar that you don’t get to see online including the hours spent in conversation, the children’s classes, the food, the question time, greeting our online friends, singing hymns and spiritual songs, and the joy of our mutual fellowship together.
We pray everyone profited from the weekend as much as we enjoyed working for it. We thank everyone who made this year’s seminar a success and thank God who works in us according to the most excellent mystery of Christ.
With joy and hope,
Justin “comforted together” Johnson