Growing With Other Members

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, August 25th, 2012.

“And if they were all one member, where were the body?” – 1 Cor 12:19

It is said that playing sports is way for people to encourage one another to grow through competition.

Training and playing together motivates improvement. A similar principle is applied to why we must assemble with like-minded believers.

Other members of the church encourage us to grow in our understanding of doctrine and our life in Christ. Left to ourselves we may trudge along, but in a gracious assembly of mature saints there is greater motivation.

When we only study on our own and don’t consult with like-minded saints, then we are in danger of becoming stagnant. Stronger saints can use weaker saints to light their fire, younger saints can use older saints to get some answers. Teachers can use the elders to sharpen their iron. We all need other members of the body.

It becomes dangerous when your isolation produces strange and terrible doctrines that usually agree with some ancient heresy.

If you don’t have an assembly of believers to meet with, then pray, read great books, email like-minded saints with your questions, listen on the internet. Don’t remove yourself from utilizing the bodies function on purpose.

For His Glory,

Justin “one member” Johnson

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