Grace Ambassadors Live!

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Sunday, October 11th, 2020.

We are glad to announce that our preaching and teaching meetings will now be streamed live! (Yes, that includes the seminar next weekend.)

One problem with meeting in the cornfields has been internet speed. Well…not anymore.

More than a decade ago we attempted live streaming, but the options were few and the quality was poor.

Over the summer we upgraded our recording equipment and internet access with no small help from your generous donations. (Thank you!)

Now, the same technology that enables most of the nation to work from home on Zoom, allows us to upload a high-quality stream from the cornfields of Swayzee.

Many of you have asked about this over the years, and we are excited to finally make it available.

Use the link below at the right time tomorrow and you can join Grace Ambassadors Bible Fellowship live!

For His glory,

Justin “real time” Johnson

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This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.