Free Bible Software

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, February 20th, 2010.

With free Bible study software you can do the work of
a concordance and better. You can search for partial
words, parts of words, phrases, and search only certain

For example, if you want to find the occurrences where
the kingdom gospel is taught you may do a search for
“kingdom AND gospel”. This will give you every verse
that those two words are used.

You will find every passage that contains the kingdom
gospel is void of the preaching of the cross.

You can also save your searches and create verse lists
and print them out for a binder or to slip into your Bible.

While software will not make you understand the Bible,
it can be a tremendous tool for Bible study. Most software
comes with a Cambridge edition of the King
James Bible for free.

Find them on Google

For your edification,

Justin Curtis Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.