Fire Update: We’re Back!

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, May 23rd, 2020.

As many of you know last month there was a small electrical fire at our building that sent us back to the living room for a few weeks.

I’m glad to report that the interior damage of the fire has been repaired enough to return to the building for last week’s meetings.

While repairs are still in progress for a couple of rooms and we are still proceeding with plans for new construction, we were glad to meet in the auditorium.

Thank you for your support, inquiries, and notes about how you have been affected by our small cornfield ministry. Our old building will be destroyed in one way or another, either by wind, fire, water, or by a heavy equipment operator.

It is wonderful to hear from you about the work in you that no fire can burn (1 Cor 3:13-14).

His grace continues,

Justin “keep on truckin” Johnson

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