While cleaning up the pile of papers that had grown on my desk
throughout my busy week I realized that I needed to apply more
daily discipline to keep things in order.
The adage describes discipline as “doing what you should do,
when you should do it, even if you don’t want to.” This adage made me
think about what Paul says “we should” do in Eph 2:10.
In the dispensation of grace, it seems our spiritual muscles are weak
right where the strong iron bonds of the law were holding us upright.
Being delivered from the law and required work, it will take a continual
discipline to strengthen our muscles to do what we should even though
our flesh does not “want to” (Rom 7:19).
This discipline and practice is not the kind that comes from self-effort.
Instead it comes from faith and the Spirit. Faith comes by hearing the
word of God rightly divided which is a good work (2 Tim 2:15). Secondly,
it is walking in the Spirit according to Romans 8:2-4.
These disciplines would go a long way towards reaping the benefits
of a stronger inner man.
For his glory,
Justin Curtis Johnson