Everything You’ve Always Wanted in a Church Near You!

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, July 15th, 2023.

Have you always wanted to ask your questions about the Bible rightly divided?
Have you always wanted to sing from a mid-Acts dispensational hymnal?
Have you always wanted to meet with real mid-Acts Pauline dispensationalists?
Have you always wanted to be a part of a church that stands upon the perfect word of God rightly divided?
Have you always wanted to sit through a church meeting with your feet up in a La-Z-Boy recliner?

Do you live near Denver, Colorado; Omaha, Nebraska; Hudson, Wisconsin; or Battle Creek, Michigan?

If so, then you will want to attend the Grace Ambassadors traveling church meeting hosted near you in just a few weeks!

If you have not signed up yet, please let us know so we can make sure to have enough seats. (No, there won’t be La-Z-Boys. What were you thinking? We can’t give you everything you’ve always wanted.)

Details can be found here:

Each meeting is free to attend and will have ample time for meet and greet, question and answer, singing, teaching, preaching, and free Bible study resources.

We want to meet you and talk about how you can have a church near you! (Bring your own La-Z-Boy.)


Justin “the reclining preacher” Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.