These are just a few of the comments I’ve received through the mail (online and the P.O. Box).
Some comments are sent with gifts and for that we are grateful. It is your support, encouraging feedback, and the Lord’s will that keeps us doing what we’re doing.
“Just writing to let you know I really enjoyed the new book.”
“Thank you very much … for the very helpful resources on your web page, it has helped me and others … concerning the Mystery and rightly diving the word of truth.”
“Thank you so very much for the last 4 tracts you have posted, especially The Gospel: plain and simple”
“I want to thank you for your constant work of love and care for the Body with such perseverance”
“Praying for you and your ministries. No matter the distance, my countenance is strengthened by your faithfulness!”
“I too have heard this same teaching, and while it appears to sound quite logical, even spiritual, your explanation as to why it’s untrue will be helpful to many who’ve been duped”
“I have recently had the “scales fall from my eyes” to the rightly divided study of the Word of God.”
Thank you…
..and for your part in making all men see the fellowship of the mystery, defending the Bible without error, and preaching the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation to all where you are at.
For the glory of God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Justin “saved and serving” Johnson