Email Evangelism

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, August 8th, 2009.

A simple way to evangelize a message is handing out
informational tracts. The Biblical example for this comes
from the writing of Paul’s epistles.

Electronic mail (e-mail) has all but replaced printing letters.
Forwarding emails has become a national pastime to
some people.

It takes repetition or “right-timing” for tracts to be effective.

Our email updates make it easier to spread the message.
Just click the ‘Forward’ button and write a brief message
to a friend. You may know when the right timing is for your
friends. Personal emails can be an effective way to

You can forward any post or article on the website.
If they subscribe then they will get exposed more frequently.

Seeing souls saved,

Justin “putting the E in E-vangelism” Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.