During the Reformation, preachers decried indulgences: the Roman Catholic teaching that you could reduce your punishment in purgatory through gifts to the church.
The issue was doctrinal. Those who knew it was wrong didn’t pay. Many learned of the error from the warning.
In the 20th century, Bible preachers decried fraudulent Pentecostal televangelists who promised health, wealth, and multiplied blessing if you planted your seed money with their ministry.
The issue was doctrinal. Those who knew it was wrong didn’t pay. Many are still learning of their error.
Knowing the doctrinal mistakes of the past, it was a shame to read in the Berean Searchlight that you can receive reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ for giving money to their Society (October 2020 page 30).
The issue is doctrinal. You cannot purchase a reprieve nor reward before the throne of the righteous Judge. Do not think your riches will profit in the day of reward (or wrath). The doctrine is wrong.
Faithful ministry work has a reward, but our ministry is not the collecting or distributing of money. Learn from the past. Money cannot buy eternal things. There is no price tag on the things that abide that day. God looks at your heart not your hedge fund.
If anyone tries to sell you a piece of eternity, know they are selling you a lie. Do not pay for wrong doctrine.
For His grace,
Justin “lesson learned” Johnson