The law made certain days holy*.
They were to be esteemed as such by all in Israel, else they were in violation of the law of God.
The only days ever esteemed by any believer in the Bible were Israel’s holy days.
But now, Israel is fallen, and our apostle tells us we are not Israel, nor under Israel’s law, but under grace.
God has not set apart holy days in this dispensation, he has set apart the Body of Christ for his purpose.
The only thing Paul instructs us to “esteem” is other people in the Body of Christ (Phi 2:3; 1 Thess 5:13).
If you understand what God is doing today, you should be fully persuaded of this.
Days are not sanctified, saved people are.
Don’t esteem holy days.
*Note: none of the days God made holy match our national holidays.
For Truth,
Justin “every day in Christ” Johnson