Clear Communication

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, June 30th, 2012.

We cannot force someone to believe the word of truth, but we are responsible for communicating it to them.

Are you communicating right doctrine? Are you communicating it clearly? Are you communicating to people at all?

Everyone should be communicating, even if it is to the people who communicated first to you (Gal 6:6).

The ministry of reconciliation requires us to communicate God’s word so people can hear it. This is how faith grows in people (Rom 10:17). This is called evangelism.

We need more people to communicate right doctrine clearly: evangelists. Before that happens we need people who know right doctrine clearly: students (2 Tim 2:15).

Study to communicate. This will take practice. Now is the time to start. If you need a place to start, it’s here: Rom 1:15 and 1 Cor 2:2-3.

For His glory,

Justin “communicate” Johnson

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