Children Class at Grace Ambassadors

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, September 15th, 2012.

Grace Ambassadors Bible Fellowship has a children’s class to introduce young people to the gospel, Bible study, and right division.

We are announcing this week a new section on the website presents materials and examples of what children’s lessons are like at our assembly.

The goal of a children’s class should be to present the gospel clearly, and to teach them how to use the Bible. This requires sincere talk about sin, death, blood, God, and dispensations.

Children are often patronized by the church and are given only scriptural scraps with watered down doctrine to eat from God’s word.

The reality is that children have a tremendous aptitude for quickly learning important Bible truths. It is easier for them than for adults who must unlearn wrong doctrine.

With a fear that children will run away when they get older, churches patronize children with programs that are designed to entertain so they can grow up thinking the church is a fun place to be.

Giving them God’s word rightly divided will teach them how to grow up into Christ which is the right place to be.

For His Glory,

Justin Curtis Johnson

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