Most people hear information second, third, or fourth hand these days. They repeat what someone else reported about what they heard from someone else.
That used to be how rumors got started. Apparently, that is how “news” works these days.
This week’s tip is to check the primary source when wanting to learn about a subject. As Levar Burton taught us all, don’t take someone else’s word for it – read the source!
Is that policy unconstitutional? Read the Constitution.
What are the principles that established America? Read the Declaration of Independence.
Calculate the infection rate yourself (you can get the data from your State’s health department) instead of listening to a million reports.
What does the Bible say? Before you ask a pastor, read the scriptures, or grab a concordance!
You might be amazed how little time it takes to check the source directly rather than trying to debate which second or third hand report you will trust.
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Justin “source checker” Johnson