Bad Advice

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, August 29th, 2020.

The other day I heard a teacher speak about the usefulness of the Bible as good advice for your life.

Do you look to the Bible for good advice?

Certainly, we should consult the counsel and wisdom of God for our lives as revealed in his inspired word (rightly divided).

However, advice can be something offered, but not necessarily followed. This is because advice is not deemed infallible. It is often someone’s experienced suggestion or subjective opinion that can also be uninformed.

People seek advice from professionals, books, grandpa, and any nameless blog on the internet.

The Bible is not just God’s opinion, or even God’s suggestion, that you may wisely listen to but choose to ignore because it is your life and your reality. No.

The Bible is the word of truth from the Creator. In him is reality. He is the source of wisdom.

What God says is true. It is infallible. He is always informed. There is no one that counsels God.

It is bad advice to see the Bible as just a source for good advice. Open the Bible to learn truth that must be acknowledged. Obey its instructions without seeking a second opinion (even yours).

That is the beginning of wisdom.

Justin “my two cents” Johnson

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