Announcing the 2024 Ambassadors Seminar!

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, July 27th, 2024.

It is that time of year again! Time to announce our annual Ambassadors Seminar the weekend of October 19th and 20th.

This year’s seminar theme will be New Covenant Confusion.

While most Christians understand that the church today is not under Israel’s Old Covenant, there is confusion about the church’s relationship to Israel’s New Covenant.

What is the New Covenant, and who was it made with?
What is our relationship to the New Testament?
Has the New Covenant been fulfilled?
Is the church now spiritual Israel?

In this seminar we will explore what the Bible says about the New Covenant and how misapplying it to the Body of Christ causes confusion concerning our identity, walk, ministry, and destiny. This doctrine is seminal to the future understanding of Pauline right division.

Don’t let covenant confusion rob you of God’s riches at Christ’s expense. Finally learn to understand the New Covenant and rejoice in your complete position in Christ with us this year in Greentown, Indiana.

There is no cost to attend the seminar, and food for Saturday and Sunday is provided at no charge.

Find details, maps, and sign up to let us know you are coming at the page below (sign-up helps our kitchen crew anticipate how many will attend).

Will be glad to see you there!

For Your Edification,

Justin Curtis Johnson

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This was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors email sent free to subscribers.