In a couple months we will be taking our church meetings back on the road. This time we are heading west.
August 7th-19th we will be hosting meetings in the cities below.
Denver, Colorado
Omaha, Nebraska
Hudson, Wisconsin
Battle Creek, Michigan
If you live near these locations, you are welcome to join us to get a taste of what it’s like to meet in person at Grace Ambassadors.
There will be singing from the Grace Hymnal, time for Q&A, free study material, and sound Bible believing mid-Acts dispensational preaching!
Our last trip in May was a success in encouraging faithful workmen, making connections, and exhorting the saints to build with one mind upon a Pauline foundation. We look forward to doing it again and meeting you face to face.
Dates and details can be found in the link below:
Please let us know you are coming so we can save you a seat. See you there!
In His service,
Justin “go west (and north) young man” Johnson