Our mailing list has reached a size that is pushing the limits
of the technology we use to send emails. In the weeks to come
we will be implementing a new mailing list software to handle
the larger numbers.
When the changes are implemented you will receive an
email requesting you to verify that you are indeed subscribed
of your own free will. I will send you more details later about this.
Meanwhile, below are only some of the comments received from
you and others who visit the site to study the Bible rightly divided.
“It is so refreshing to be in line with the rightly divided
word of God!”
“What a great privilege to be allowed to know a little
something about the gospel of Christ”
“The ministry of grace is wonderful and all people should hear it!”
“Just want to tell you thanks for the updates and the solid
lessons on line.”
While the website has a tremendous amount of resources,
nothing replaces the face to face personal edifying that takes
place in an assembly of saints.
Technology is always limited. God’s methods of reading,
study, preaching, teaching, and meeting with like minded
saints will never be surpassed by a matrix like download
of information.
The goal of these emails is to encourage you to be involved
in making known Jesus Christ according to the revelation
of the mystery to those in your community.
I hope they have helped you in your ministry to see souls
saved. Spread the word! Do the work! (2 Tim 4:5) Use your
feet! (Eph 6:15).
For His glory,
Justin Curtis Johnson