Admit Your Mistakes

This originally appeared as an email delivered on
Saturday, February 22nd, 2014.

I hate being wrong far more than I dislike being corrected.

In last week’s tip, there was a statement regarding Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary missing words. I was wrong, and I stand corrected.

Noah Webster possessed a genius that far surpasses my own. What a shame to misrepresent his magnum opus.

The original 1828 is not missing words. You can see for yourself by downloading a scanned copy of the original 1828 Webster’s Dictionary of the English language. It is in two volumes.

1828 Dictionary Scan – Volume 1
1828 Dictionary Scan – Volume 2

There are some online dictionaries that claim to be the 1828 Dictionary and are missing words. Mark and avoid (

The proper response to being wrong is not to defend it, hide it, or ignore it. It is to fix it.

When we are wrong, we need correction (2 Tim 3:16).
When a child is behaving wrong, they need correction (Prov 22:15).

If someone is wrong and they do not fix it, they are either deceived or are dishonest. If they are teachers avoid them.

The Bible says correction is profitable, and tells us where we are wrong. What it misses, I count on you all to catch.

Thank you.

For His glory,

Justin “never rarely wrong” Johnson

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