The 11th annual Ambassadors Seminar is coming up in two weeks, and you’re invited.
For nearly two thousand years the mystery could be found in Paul’s epistles, but today too few know that a mystery even exists.
But even among those that see a mystery there is confusion about what it is, which is really what we are to make all men see.
Do you struggle or get downright stumped by questions such as …
~ What is the mystery?
~ Was the cross a mystery?
~ Are we in the new covenant?
~ Why did Paul quote prophecy?
~ How is the mystery practical to me?
~ How can you be in Christ before Paul?
~ Isn’t grace and faith found throughout the Bible?
Could you recognize the mystery of Christ if someone told you without using the word ‘mystery’?
These issues and more will be addressed at our upcoming seminar: Mystery Made Clear. The mystery should be clear to you before you can make it clear to all men.
There’s plenty of room here in the cornfields of Swayzee to clear the air and make the mystery clear.
Hope to see you here!
Justin “cornfield ambassador” Johnson