Email Tips: 100 Years of Right Division

This "tip" was originally delivered on Saturday, January 2nd, 2016 .

The Complete Bible Commentary by George Williams has been recommended and endorsed by men such as Billy Graham for nearly a century.

Neither Graham nor Williams are mid-Acts dispensationalists, nor am I an evangelical, but in William’s notes on Acts 2 he writes:

“The popular belief that this chapter records the birth of the church revealed to the apostle Paul is erroneous.”

His commentary became more popular after his death, but his true statements about Acts and the Pauline church were ignored precipitating the rise of Pentecostal charismaticism in almost every denomination.

We do not follow men, nor the flow of popular ideas, but the scriptural teaching of the mystery of Christ revealed first to Paul is not new.

It was in black and white on pastor’s library shelves, but has been missed for a hundred years.

Williams was was right about Pentecost not being the birthday of the church. The church of today is not found anywhere before Paul. Believe me, I’ve looked, and so should you.

For nearly five months, our church has been looking for the mystery church in the early chapters of the Acts of the Apostles. It was not there. This fact should not be missed. It leads to mid-Acts Pauline dispensationalism.

Listen to our verse by verse lessons through Acts 1-8 here, and learn from the mistakes of popular Bible teachers for hundred years.

For His glory,

Justin “learning from the past” Johnson

Full List of Email Tips
This "tip" was originally published in the weekly Grace Ambassadors Update sent free to subscribers.